Gout Foundation Diet image

Gout Foundation Diet image

How does your gout diet make healthy urine pH?

Gout Foundation Diet image is my featured image for Foundation Diet for Gout Foodies.

Gout Foundation Diet image details

Gout Foundation Diet image is a stock image that I found on the Internet. Unfortunately, I cannot remember what I searched for, but the image is widely distributed on many websites. I think it is derived from the UK Government Food Standards Agency nutrition campaign: “The Eatwell Plate”. Also, there are many other derivatives of this image using the same plate graphic, with different wording.

Gout Foundation Diet

Interestingly, for me at least, this is the first use of the term “Gout Foundation Diet”. Because, when I searched the term on 31st May 2017, the only references to that term are from GoutPal (except for some spurious results from robot sites). Now, I realize Google is not an absolute authority, but it is a good enough indication to me that it is a new term.

In my full Google search for Gout Foundation Diet, the spurious results show after the first 4 GoutPal results. I also checked using my full custom search for Gout Foundation Diet, which just returns the 2 main pages and an author index entry.

Anyway, my concept of a Gout Foundation Diet remains key to managing gout through dietary intervention. So, I will continue to build new plans for GoutPal Foodies and GoutPal Dieters based on my Gout Foundation Diet. However, I will probably transition it to “GoutPal Foundation Diet” at some point.

Best Gout Foundation Diet Image

Finally, I must note that this is actually not the best Gout Foundation Image. In my haste to illustrate my Foundation Diet suggestion, I added this very generic image of healthy eating. But, I forgot that Choi and colleagues sparked my concept for Gout Foundation Diet in their landmark Pathogenesis of Gout article. So, their healthy gout food pyramid diagram would have been more fitting. At the moment, I’m revising my review of that concept. So, for the healthiest gout food, start with Alkaline Gout Diet Menu.

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